Friday, June 3, 2011

Introducing The Undercover Mother

So I just had my second child a few months ago. She is so sweet and such an easy baby (crossing my fingers that she stays that way :)). Her older sister on the other hand is a little crazy and incredibly active. She can't always help it... she is 2 and although not totally terrible, she can be a bit of a handful. So nursing a baby with a toddler like mine can be a little tricky. I originally had a nursing cover that you put on over your head and it covers just the front of you. However, my sweet little 2 year old wanted to know what was going on in there and had easy access to rip open the cover and show the whole world what I was doing. After a few embarrasing moments I decided it was time for a change and designed this nursing cover. It has total coverage and no way for a crazy 2 year old like mine to rip it open. Also it allows you to nurse anywhere without worrying about your back or anything else showing. It includes a button closure to keep it neat in your diaper bag and colors that are sure to please. If you can't find a style or color you want please contact me with your preferences and we can work together in creating your perfect cover.